Nutrition InfoDaily Protein Intake: How Much Protein is Too Much?Joseph WalesApril 15, 2022April 12, 2022 by Joseph WalesApril 15, 2022April 12, 202202369 Judging by all the protein shakes, powders, and bars out there, you get the impression that you need more protein. There’s a notion that it
General Health Nutrition InfoAre Bananas Good for Diabetes?Joseph WalesApril 12, 2022 by Joseph WalesApril 12, 202201700 Bananas have had a negative reputation for raising blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. People with diabetes need to be cautious of the contents
FitnessSuccessful Weight Loss Tips for seniorsJoseph WalesFebruary 28, 2021February 8, 2021 by Joseph WalesFebruary 28, 2021February 8, 202101874 Many things can become more challenging to do as we age. Losing weight isn’t one of those things, according to researchers. They found out that
Food Nutrition InfoDietary Management of ObesityJoseph WalesJanuary 27, 2021January 24, 2021 by Joseph WalesJanuary 27, 2021January 24, 202102815 71.6% of people in America aged 20 or older are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Obesity is
Fitness General Health Nutrition Info10 Simple Weight Loss Tips to Try at HomeJoseph WalesDecember 31, 2020 by Joseph WalesDecember 31, 202002285 Losing weight is not as easy as it sounds, and there is a lot of wrong weight loss information available online that is not backed