Cancer has been a menace in the modern generation for more than a century now. With the advancement picked from the field of technology, science, and lifestyle, it has become almost impossible to slay this giant. Without limitation to age, cancer has been the second-highest cause of death in the US. Cancer has limitless signs and symptoms since it has no specific organ or cells to attack. Below is a narrowed down list of the most common early symptoms of cancer.
This is a swelling that generally occurs on the body. Doctors all over the world have termed lumps as indicators of both early and late stages of cancer. The size of the lump varies from tiny invisible ones to large painful, and visible ones. A certified medical practitioner should evaluate any lymph node that persists for a period longer than three weeks.
Weight loss, fevers, and profuse sweating
Though not wholly grounded as cancer symptoms only, the uncertain symptoms are often present in a variety of cancers. An example is pancreatic cancer, whose symptoms are weight loss and no definite pain. Though night sweats are not a new thing to women past menopause, heavy drenching sweats may serve as well as an indicator of cancer.
Cough and hoarseness
This is often experienced by many during the cold seasons. Still, when the croaky voice persists over long periods, one should consider screening for throat cancer or any other respiratory cancers.
Blood in urine, blood in the stool, unusual vaginal bleeding, coughing blood, and any other type of bleeding should not be taken lightly. Blood in the urine may end up not being a cancerous issue, but often a symptom of bladder or kidney cancer.
Unusual vaginal bleeding is most of the time experienced in between periods or after coitus, post menstrual bleeding, those that are heavier or take longer than usual. This should not be lay hold of lightly, and once noticed, one should seek practitioner’s help. The unusual bleeding is likely a sign of cancer of the uterus.
Blood in stool has several causes, maybe recurrent ulcers, which, when definite to a doctor, cancer evaluation may be ruled out. Hemorrhoids are so common and often associated with rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids may occur together with cancers; thus, an entire intestinal tract examination is highly recommended. Once 50 or older colon examinations, even without symptoms, should be taken seriously.
Coughing blood, bronchitis, and sinusitis are also associated with this symptom. Head cancer, lung cancer, and neck cancer also tend to share these symptoms. Any cough with blood or sputum with blood should be taken to a doctor for examination.
Unusual bowel activities
Any given change in the bowel activity that is not associated with fluid intake or a change in diet should be taken seriously and examined. Doctors associate colon cancer with pen-thin stool or continuous diarrhea. Food poisoning is mostly confused by a large population to a cancer symptom.
Knowing to identify different symptoms of cancer generally increases early detection of cancer. Early detection reduces these tumors and improves the general health of a cancer patient.